Dnes mám LO pro designérku AnnuBV, u které jsem tento měsíc jako host. Poslední kit, který jsem si stáhla je v chlapecky netypických barvách - černo-šedo-růžový, ale pro kluka se použít stejně dá a dost dobře.
Greetings from Finland. Thus, through the Bog is nice about other people, culture and nature. Come see the pictures Teuvo blog and tell all your friends know why you should visit Teuvo pictures blog. Therefore, to obtain your country's flag to rise higher in my country's flag collection. Merry February Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland
Greetings from Finland. Thus, through the Bog is nice about other people, culture and nature. Come see the pictures Teuvo blog and tell all your friends know why you should visit Teuvo pictures blog. Therefore, to obtain your country's flag to rise higher in my country's flag collection. Merry February Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland